LGBT+ Conservatives is run entirely by volunteers who are elected to the General Council and as Regional Co-ordinators. All positions are unpaid voluntary positions and elected annually.
You can find details of all of the roles below, together with the relevant links to submit nominations.
Please be aware that nominations close on the 1st of April at midnight 2021. Any submitted after this time will not be valid.
Nominees, proposers, seconders and voters must be members of LGBT+ Conservatives. If you are not currently a member please visit our Membership page to join or renew. It is important to check your membership is up to date BEFORE submitting an application.
If you have any questions about the nomination or election process please contact the team at [email protected]
Yours sincerely,
Elena Rose Bunbury
Why join the Team?
LGBT+ Conservatives is run entirely by elected volunteers, the purpose of the group at it's core is to fundraise to support LGBT+ candidates standing in elections, but over the past few years it has been built to do so much more.
From helping shape policy, briefing MPs, raising aware on key campaigns like HIV testing, organising social events, to taking part in focus groups with CCHQ, it really can be what you want it to be.
If you have ideas or think things could be done differently, this is the opportunity to do that!
It is a time commitment, it is not a group where you can be elected in a general role and just turn up to vote at the AGM, everyone is expected to help out with different areas, which are managed by the Vice-Chairs. Aside from it being great for a CV, we take personal development really seriously and if there is an area you want to work on, we can try to facilitate that. This is your opportunity to make an impact in the field of politics and help improve not only LGBT+ representation, but LGBT+ lives.
Election Timetable
Nominations are now open!
Nominations close - 1st April at midnight
Candidates notified of nomination success by - 3rd April at midnight
If candidates would like to withdraw they must do so before - 8th April at 5pm
Virtual Hustings - 15th April 7pm
Member voting opens - 16th April (ballots sent via email)
Voting closes - 8th May at midnight
Results announced - 9th May by 5pm
AGM to approve results - 15th May 11am
The times have been set in accordance with the constitution which can be viewed here.
All results will be verified by Returning Officer John Cope (who is not re-standing)
What does each role involve?
You are the head of the organisation and responsible for the bulk of the workload and the planning of LGBT+ Conservatives year.
You must manage all of the members and make decision on key tasks and problems.
You are also the spokesperson for the organisation and must represent the group at things such as the APPG, CCHQ and charity meetings.
You should be prepared to spend on average about 4-6 hours a week as a minimum in this role.
Deputy Chairman
This role is a supporting role of the Chair and assisting to manage the other members. In previous years has involved a lot of senior work around policy, patrons and the press.
Honorary Secretary
This role provides administrative support to the council. From answering emails to the main inbox, to being the Editor of the monthly newsletter and all other emails that go out.
You will also take minutes at meetings and be responsible for chasing up peoples actions.
Honorary Treasurer
This role is responsible for the finances of the organisation, and administrating the funding of grant applications. You will also have a key role in supporting and managing the LGBT+ Conservatives shop.
Vice Chair Outreach
This role is responsible for growing LGBT+ Conservatives diversity and ensuring we are representing all parts of the LGBT+ community. Engaging the BAME community and women is a big factor of this role. You will also help organise action days and prides across the country and be the line manager of all of the regional co-ordinators.
Vice Chair Membership
This role is responsible for growing and supporting the membership. You will work closely with the VC Outreach to ensure we are constantly recruiting new members. You will also be responsible for growing the mentoring scheme that we launched recently. You will also manage the Facebook members group which will be launching later this year.
Vice Chair Candidates Fund
This role is responsible for managing the candidates fund and awarding grants to LGBT+ candidates that apply. You will also play a big role in organising fundraisers and managing and growing the donors club.
Join our General Council
There are 6 spaces for general council members to be elected to. This role is a supportive role of the exec of the council (this positions listed above). Once elected you will be assigned through council wide discussions areas to support and work on throughout the year, these have previously included:
- Social media
- Policy
- Conference
- Newsletter
- Shop
- Mentoring
- Outreach
- Events
- Many more..
This role really is what you make of it, from assisting on 1 or 2 projects, to leading on others, what you put in is what you get out.
Regional Co-ordinators
This role is responsible for growing membership within their area and facilitating local events. You will also have to manage a regional facebook group and help engage members throughout the year. You will also work with the VC Outreach to help us have representation at prides in your area. This role also has the potential to assist on other projects to support the general council that are listed in the role above.
Submitting your nomination
You can submit your nomination here- https://forms.gle/8APwuFYmz6bSjXbu5. It is a google form which has set questions with word limits, if you go over the word count we will cut it off at the limit, this will frame your manifesto that you will be questioned on at the virtual hustings.
If your nomination is successful we will then contact you via email (please check your junk) to tell you of the next steps and the hustings information.
Following the timeline, ballots will then be sent via email to all members of LGBT+ Conservatives featuring your answers to the manifesto questions from the google form. Voting will take place via an election website that is run by an outside company. Only paid up members of LGBT+ Conservatives can vote, so please check that your membership is up to date.
2021 Hustings
15th April 7pm
We will be hosting a virtual husting this year to allow members to hold all candidates accountable. This will be held via Zoom and details will be circulated at a later date. It will be hosted by Andrew Boff AM and will include questions from both the audience and Andrew himself.